Philip F. Plant’s Contribution – John Austin’s tenth operation


Sergeant J.E.C. Austin wireless operator as well as Flying Officer Plummer’s crew were lucky to have survived nine operations. They would be even more lucky to survive this tenth operation.  

JEC Austin and Crew

John E. C. Austin’s crew

This is the crew:

Pilot: F/O Plummer A G (J14032)
Navigator: F/S Dunster B F (J86579)
Flight Engineer: SGT Pinder A F (RAF 1387446)
Wireless Operator SGT Austin J E C (RAF 1324406)
Bomb aimer: F/O Porterfield R B (J24529)
Mid-upper gunner: SGT Price N E (J87144)
Rear gunner: SGT Gallagher D (178819)

Tenth operation: 30/31 March 1944


Plane serial number ?

Target: Nuremberg

Time up: 22.15

Time down: 06.15

Details taken from this source:

March 30/31, 1944

25 Lancasters from 408 and 426 Squadrons were joined by 93 Halifaxes from 420, 424, 425, 427, 429, 432, and 433 Squadrons on an attack at Nurnberg. The crews were over the target at between 18,000 and 23,000 feet, releasing 98,000 lbs of high explosives and 396,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, bombing was scattered due to many fighter attacks and some bombing fell on Schweinfurt due to a wind. This was a most terrible night for bomber command, as 108 aircraft were missing or destroyed in crashes This number was never exceeded.

P/O J. Harvey from 408 Squadron jettisoned the load as no T.I’s were seen. They landed at Moreton in the Marsh on return. 2nd/Lt M. Humphrey landed at Moreton in the Marsh on return. F/Lt G. Latimer was late over the target, many fighters were seen on the way to the target. F/O J. White RCAF–POW and crew, flying Lancaster II LL-637 coded EQ-L, failed to return from this operation.

F/Sgt J. Hughes RCAF–POW

Sgt J. Bates RAF–POW

F/O G. Schacter RCAF–POW


F/Sgt F. Leahy RAF

P/O A. Patton RCAF


F/O J. Labow RCAF


3 crew were killed and 4 POWs after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

F/O A. Plummer from 420 Squadron returned early due to the oxygen system being u/s.
P/O E. Heimpel returned early as the hydraulics were u/s. F/Lt E. Northern, F/Sgt L. Holoway, F/Lt R. Deegan, and S/Ldr G. Beall landed at Thorney Island on return. W/O2 R. Leonard landed at Ford on return. F/Sgt J. Ward RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-683 coded PT-C, crash landed in a field on return. There were no injuries.

P/O R. Basson from 424 Squadron returned early as the port inner was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines. F/O J. Lambert encountered 2 enemy aircraft, they eluded and landed safely at Ford on return. F/Sgt R. Burton landed at Upper Heyford on return due to a fuel shortage. F/O F. Hamilton was attacked by 2 enemy aircraft. They dove down to 9,000 feet and escaped. They landed at West Malling on return due to the navigation aids being u/s. F/O P. Hamilton landed at ford on return due to a fuel shortage.
F/Sgt B. Vanier landed at Moreton in the Marsh due to a fuel shortage. F/Sgt G. Stewart was attacked by an ME-109, there was no claim or damage. They landed at Tangmere on return. W/O2 D. MacKenzie landed at Upper Heyford on return due to a fuel shortage. F/O J. Doig RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-879 coded QB-A, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. Bolton RAF


W/O2 A. Crosland RCAF

Sgt D. Stewart RAF

P/O R. Atkins RCAF

Sgt T. Rogers RAF

6 crew were killed and 1 POW after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

S/Ldr H. Metzler RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-944 coded QB-U, failed to return from this operation.

P/O G. Myles RAF

F/Lt R. Digney RCAF

F/O F. Paquin RCAF

F/O N. MacAuley RCAF

P/O J. Berry RCAF

P/O J. Allen RCAF

All were killed.

F/O L. Dupuis from 425 Squadron returned early as the hydraulics were u/s. F/O J. Taylor RCAF poppy2 and crew, flying Halifax III LW-429 coded KW-R, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt P. Furlong RAF

F/O G. Munro RCAF

P/O F. Majchrowicz RCAF

P/O J. Sheahan RCAF

P/O A. De Witt RCAF

F/Sgt P. Mitchell RCAF

All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

F/Lt W. Cracknell RCAF and crew from 426 Squadron, flying Lancaster II DS-840 coded OW-C, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt H. Wride RAF

P/O A. Devoy RCAF


W/O M. Moosman RNZAF

F/O L. Robinson RCAF

P/O R. Haycock RCAF

All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

W/O2 R. Douglass RCAF–POW and crew, flying Lancaster II DS-852 coded OW-P, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt H. Vincent RAF–POW


F/O D. Stewart RCAF–POW

P/O S. Cullen RCAF

Sgt H. Sjoquist RCAF–POW

P/O H. Clark RCAF

4 POWs and 3 killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

F/Lt A. McAuley from 427 Squadron returned early as the port inner was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines. S/Ldr J. Bissett RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-898 coded ZL-D, failed to return from this operation.

W/O2 K. Shoener RCAF

Sgt V. Holloway RAF

F/O R. White RCAF

F/O F. Zulauf RCAF

F/O J. Leclaire RCAF

P/O W. Hall RCAF

F/O R. Shannon RCAF

All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter. S/Ldr G. Liard RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LV-923 coded ZL-W, failed to return from this operation.

F/Sgt A. Stainton RCAF

F/O J. Morrison RAF

F/O W. Soeder RCAF

P/O J. Corbally RCAF

F/Sgt W. Clapham RAF

P/O L. Smith RCAF

P/O J. Moffat RCAF–Evd

7 crew were killed and 1 evaded after colliding with a 622 Squadron Lancaster.

F/O W. McPhee RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-618 coded ZL-E, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt A. Williams RAF

F/O A. Gourdeau RCAF

F/O D. Hammond RCAF

W/O2 R. Beach RCAF

P/O G. Hergott RCAF

P/O L. Hawkes RCAF

All were killed after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

P/O W. Byers from 429 Squadron returned early as the stbd inner was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines. F/O A. MacDonald was attacked by a twin-engined enemy aircraft. There was no claim or damage. F/Sgt P. Cadegan landed at Friston on return. F/O J. Wilson RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LK-804 coded AL-Q, was attacked by a Nightfighter. The fuel tanks were damaged. They were forced to ditch in the English Channel on return. The crew was able to get in the dinghy, except the pilot, who failed to exit the aircraft. The crew was picked up.

Sgt H. Glass RCAF

F/O C. Wray RAF

F/O J. Hall RCAF

Sgt S. Sharp RAF

Sgt H. Robinson RAF

P/O F. Finlay RAF

P/O K. Bowly RAAF–POW and crew, flying Halifax III LK-800 coded AL-N, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. Clowes RAF–POW

F/Sgt J. Myers RAF–POW

F/O J. Dougall RAF–POW

F/Sgt D. Findlay RAF–Evd

Sgt W. McMahon RCAF–POW

F/Sgt R. Dawson RAF–Evd

5 POWs and 2 evaded captured after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

F/Lt M. Pettit from 432 Squadron landed at Ford on return due to a fuel shortage. F/O E. Reid RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III LW-687 coded QO-Z, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt J. May RAF


W/O2 V. MacDonald RCAF–POW

F/Sgt G. Maguire RCAF–POW

P/O R. Clarkson RCAF

Sgt J. Barr RCAF–POW
3 crew killed and 4 POWs after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

P/O C. Narum RCAF and crew, flying Halifax III MZ-504 coded QO-C, failed to return from this operation.

Sgt R. Thomson RAF

F/Sgt R. Goeson RCAF–POW

F/Sgt L. Pigeon RCAF–POW

F/Sgt A. Marini RCAF–POW

P/O W. Rathwell RCAF

P/O S. Saprunoff RCAF

4 crew were killed and 3 POWs after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

W/Cdr C. Burgess from 433 Squadron returned early as the port inner was u/s. They landed safely at base on 3 engines. P/O J. Smith returned early as the Halifax would not climb. F/Sgt J. Monahan and F/Sgt W. Sturmy landed at Boscombe Down on return. F/Sgt F. Edmondson and F/O G. Burns landed at Ford due to a fuel shortage. W/O2 J. Bourgeault hydraulics were u/s on return. They landed safely at Ford. P/O C. Neilson RCAF–POW and crew, flying Halifax III HX-272 coded BM-N, failed to return from this operation.

W/O2 W. Rost RCAF

P/O C. Panton RAF

P/O D. Awrey RCAF

P/O L. Milward RCAF

W/O1 H. Cooper RCAF–POW

Sgt J. Thompson RAF

W/O2 J. McLaughlan RCAF–POW

5 crew were killed and 3 POWs after being shot down by a Nightfighter.

While most crews went to Nurnberg, 30 Halifaxes from 419, 428, and 434 Squadrons were ordered on a mining operation to Heligoland. The crews were over the garden at between 14,000 and 15,000 feet, sowing 58@1500 lb mines.

All crews returned safely to base.


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